While I was sleeping

In September, just before I stopped working to go on baby duty, I did some work for the ABC — illustrations for their new kids’ site www.rollercoaster.com.au (I didn’t have anything to do with the design – just the illustrations for the 7 characters). Yesterday I happened to be watching a little kids tv on the ABC in the evening and at 5 to 6 an ad for the website came on. And there were my characters all animated and winking and breathing and smiling… what a blast! I especially like what they did with this little gal:

Her pigtails were blowing in the breeze. Here are some of the other characters:

Other recent work includes a holiday illustration for the lovely Suzanne over at eat, drink and be married. I am back to working a couple of days a week again in the New Year, so if you need an illustration done let me know!

We had Big-P’s special burgers last week and I made a pitcher of delicious summer punch to go with them… I love the addition of a vanilla bean but I used a few drops of vanilla essence which is not exactly the same thing but worked out ok.

Me love Momo. Momo’s “about page” is the best I have read in a long time.

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12 Responses

  1. Hi! Your website is so great… and you do really fantastic work… congratulations on seeing your illustrations ‘come to life’!

  2. r@rowf.net says:

    How cool, about the ABC thing. I’ll keep my eye out for it, although Samf’s more into Harry Potter these days.
    I agree with you on the Momo part, too 🙂

  3. Do you have printed tear sheets of some more “adult” work (like what you did for “eat, drink…”) you can send to me? Let me know…I’d like to show them to my art director! 🙂

  4. murasaki_star@yahoo.com says:

    Claire, you have one of the most delightful web pages I’ve ever seen! I love your character designs!

  5. O…I’m lovin’ the blog format! And I’m lovin’ the bunny character! They’re all so wonderfully spirited and adorable… but you knew that!

  6. dthacker9@cox..net says:

    The dog rocks!

  7. it surprises me to read about burgers and citrus punch this close to christmas, but then i remember it is summer down there. how on earth do you celebrate christmas in summer? i’m interested in the australian traditions.

  8. annamartin@ivillage.com says:

    Momo’s site was way cool — quick question tho: is driving uncommon in Australia? On her site, she mentioned just getting her licence a few years ago, and I remember from your that you recently got your license too. Around here, we wish so many people didn’t drive (pollution) but we don’t have good public transportation…

  9. ljm@ualberta.net says:

    Usually just a lurker, but I have to come out and say that I love the little puppy fella!

  10. Hi Claire,
    I hope you’re getting some kind of payment for the use on TV.. since it sounds like you were only expecting to see them on the website. However, if you did sell them all the rights, then they’re able to do whatever they want with the artwork. I t would be exciting to see your art dancing around on TV though.. just make sure they did it legally.

  11. Oh, great– Now you’ve gotten me addicted to =another= Blog!

  12. desb@primus.com.au says:

    I saw the ads a long while ago, when (of all things) the ABC advertised Rollercoaster on commercial TV…I was fairly sure the drawings were yours, but since you hadn’t written about them I was beginning to doubt! Fabulous stuff though. Congrats!