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I have been working slowly on this redesign and with a little help from the ever talented daniel it’s eventually going to be all done in css! WOW! I am a truly 21st century girl! However, due to some of my old and shonky code I have to find a bunch of time to sit down and go back through all my old entries and make sure they work properly. Seeing that bunches of time are very few and far between at the moment I have decided to pop up the design in html for now.
We planned to have a quiet weekend before the beginning of a few weeks of festive craziness but ended up running around in preparation. Our Christmas shopping trip to Chadstone was almost totally successful. I even managed to find a) a good car park and b) an air freighted copy of Martha Stewart “Kids” magazine for myself with its beautiful cover and J Otto illustrations. I love the design of Martha Stewart magazines so much that I could buy them all regardless of the content. I would even consider Martha Stewart “Guns and Hunting” if there were such a thing, as long it was done in her tasteful colours and clean lines. I am in the midst of a flurry of paper snowflakes – I’m going to paste them in our front window and maybe even use them to decorate parcels… and I discovered that there is a whole paper snowflake movement! Snowflakes in glassine envelopes are pretty cute.

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14 Responses

  1. The redesign looks great looby!

  2. I love your blog. I’m expecting my first baby on Jan. 16th (or earlier, it’s VERY big) and I feel so happy that you can do so much with such a little baby… it gives me hope!! Thank you!!
    Best wishes from Barcelona.

  3. Oh, Claire… it’s fantabulous!!! I particularly love the illo of the charming Baby A. It’s so hard to rap my freakish Canadain brain around the concept that it’s summer down there! Especially as until five minutes ago, I was up to my elbows in prickly evergreens trying to stuff the Christmas lights snuggly in the centre of a fat and sassy Scotch pine and watching a determined little flurry beating against the window. And I too am a bit nutty about Martha magazines! Happy snowflake trimming!

  4. says:

    Ooh! The new design is very nice! I keep on getting confused, because I saw the “summer” and well.. I’m in Canada so it’s winter here. Anyway.
    WAUUUGH! You were in the New York Times!? Go Loobylu, you are famous!

  5. I love the redesign! Especially the baby’s face… classic!

  6. Claire, the site looks lovely! And thank you for mentioning the Jotto cover of the Kids magazine! I collect Jotto stuff, and would have missed this otherwise. Off to look for it in the morning! 🙂

  7. Woowie Daniel (ghost) from waferbaby and you join forces? What a perfect match!About the Martha Stewart Magazines… we have years and years of back issues here and I like putting these little recepies into a little box. (It is just about full now.) Well, I was so excited about Martha Stewart that I bought some shares of the company when they were issued (MSO), basically to be invited to their yearly get togethers with Martha here in New York (never happened, I never had time to go.) The shares are not the best investment otherwise, at least not in the short term. But I believe in Martha, she is Polish, you know, things will be fine. (Oh boy, will somebody quote me on this one some day?)
    As for the snowflakes. The strangest snowlake product spotted in a while was a bag filled with metal snowflakes at Crate and Barrel here. They are to be sprinkled all over the holiday table and are reusable because they come with their own little magnet. (here. )
    Definitely not an item to have in a household with a small child, but a very strange snowflake product non the less. (They have three pages of snowflake stuff.)
    Thank you for posting more often Loobylu.
    (Sorry for leaving such a commercial comment.)
    (Thank you so much for linking to me.)

  8. *whistles*
    Super-spunky, Miss Looby!

  9. says:

    I love the new design and I hope everything is going well with bubby.

  10. This is a lovely new layout. I can never get used to the backwards weather over there. The picture is very ..lovely. I’m saying lovely too much, aren’t I? Going back to a blog layout is a good idea (it makes it easier to post more frequent, wee-er messages)

  11. Absolutely amazing layout Claire. You’ve got to teach me how to use illustrator sometime. 😛

  12. says:

    Lovely new layout, but I must ask, what are you and hubby carrying? Bagged lunch?
    Love that baby’s expression.

  13. says:

    At last! Someone who appreciates Martha magazines as much as I do! I know there are MANY of us, but it’s nice to see it verbalized. Thanks!