Tips and nightmares...
Thursday 26 July 2001

Last night I had an anxiety dream about Fray Day. I was responsible for looking after Naomi Klein, who was going to do a reading of a personal and true nature. However, I lost her somewhere in the streets of Melbourne. I was mostly concerned that she would miss the Fray Day Parade at 10am where she had to sit aboard the No Logo float and wave to the crowds... Ben, who was tired and grumpy due to it being 6am (we had to get up early to get organised for the day of events), just shook his head in disbelief at my incompetence and left me running down some cobbled lane near Melbourne Uni shouting "NAOMIII??".

Naomi! come back!

This was closely followed by a anxiety dream about the wedding where a friend of Lil'bro's showed a home movie at the registry office as part of the ceremony. The movie started with me sitting on a couch in my pjs waving to the camera, followed by a pan around our back yard where we had a huge cage full of scrawny, featherless chickens running about in a kind of stir-crazy way. I turned to Phil who sat beside me and said "Oh my god! We forgot all about those chickens!"

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely exhausted... I am truly looking forward to my yoga class today. Deep breathing exercises are definitely in order.

Before I went to bed last night I sat down with the scarily chubby Artists & Graphic Designer's Market 2001 and started marking out publications to send my illustration folio and samples to. It's quite clear to me why I had all those anxiety dreams.

grrr...but I can't draw horses!

One "tip" from an art director that made me feel a little discouraged about the whole thing was; "[our] Magazine readers and contributors are highly sophisticated and educated... really, [insert wanky magazine name] is part of the New York art world. We publish art, not 'illustration'". Eh, whatever...

However, it isn't all bad. I like the one (and only) that said "We encourage freelancers to send in their work." - Horray!

Another favourite, from a Grateful Dead mag; "Looking for skeleton artwork - happy, not gorey"...

Also noticed that Playboy Magazine pays a bomb. Hmmm... interesting... but Naturally Magazine, who "prefers nudism/naturism", does not.

Magazines that I probably will avoid unless really desperate for cash:

North American Whitetail Magazine
"designed for serious hunters who pursue whitetail deer" (although I supposed I could very quickly customise my folio to their requirements by adding crosshairs over all my existing pictures)

National Dragster
"looks for realistic automotive renderings"

Modern Drummer
"We want strictly drummer-oriented gags" -- many come to mind, but most are pretty offensive to their particular readership...

"Artists should have a working knowledge of women's fitness"

"Quick turnaround and accurately built files a must" -- I would have also thought that the ability to draw a train would be essential which would count me out. (err... though if you are a potential client and are reading this and need a picture of a train I am sure I could give it a bloody good go!).



last Saturday


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