Hot spot
Saturday 26 January 2002

It's so early. I couldn't sleep due to the heat. That and the tiny thoughts that zipped into my head as soon as I woke which then grew and grew despite trying to ignore them. So I am sitting here in the still, blue-grey drinking my coffee thinking I should go for a walk as it's so much cooler out side and there are pink fluffy clouds and good smells from last night's incredible storm. It was an amazing storm - the sort that Melbourne rarely gets. Yesterday afternoon I was chatting to Pea and she mentioned how this weather reminded her of Queensland - of drinking beers on wide pub verandahs in the thick heat. A few hours later, just like in the tropics, there were sheets of rain blowing across the street, flashes of lightning and thunder that made our windows reverberate. Usually this kind of storm means an accompanying cool change but instead when we went out to borrow a video it was like walking into an indoor swimming pool complex, minus the smell of chlorine of course.

I can hear Big-P coughing - I might go make him some coffee and ruffle the covers from around him. We are house hunting today - what better activity can you think of doing in the middle of the day in 37°c in an unairconditioned car?

"Bree looked and looked but she couldn't find any news for Uncle Michael and Aunty Alison."

Here's part of an illustration that I finished yesterday for work. It kind of looks like a loobylu drawing anyway.



Last time : makes jack a dull boy


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