Warning: Gratuitous discussion of wedding plans follows
Saturday 21 July 2001

I was never one of those girls who, since the age of five, knew exactly what their wedding day was going to be like.

but my drawing of a house really rocks guys!

During my "I am never getting married, marriage is for suckers" early 20s phase I was extremely proud of this fact. Proud to be happily defacto and content to go through life living in sin (and really, who could ask for more?), secure without needing a legal document, happy to be alive at a time when it would be fine to have children out of wedlock - and if we did so, then a good number of their school friends would be in the same double-barrel-last-name boat. No problem. But then last December I got all carried away after a big family party - so carried away that I proposed to Phil in an unplanned moment of bumbling ridiculousness. And what was he going to say? No? Of course not!

And here I am with 8 weeks until D-day wondering if I had better start writing a bridal list and then start crossing things off that list, perhaps I should start getting just a wee bit organised.

So I just made an appointment with the hairdresser for a style on the day...
me: "errr...yes well it's for my wedding...",
her: "oooOOh! Gorgeous! So what are you having done??"
me: [aware that all the other hairdressers in the place are now looking at my head and picturing curls and flowers and stringy bits that hang down that are somehow meant to look romantic] "I dunno...err... ummm.. Nothing special I guess..." and there I was suddenly wishing I was one of those girls who had a scrap book hidden under my bed full of clippings of do's and dresses snipped from bridal mags, some dating back to their early childhood. Then I would have breezed in months ago and said "Yes ! The most important day of my life! I would like to book out the entire salon for three hours at 10am. I have compiled a short show-reel of hairstyles for you to swot up on beforehand. I will be bringing my cluster of jewel encrusted hair accessories and the champagne for the brides maids!".

oh lawd no!


And what do I wear? We are getting married in the city's registry office and (call me cold and heartless) but a big meringue dress for a five minute ceremony (for any length of ceremony really) is hardly my style. I think the registry office calls for a more... errr... urban ... gritty kind of romanticism. The whole idea of a registry office brings images of war-time Britain or the great depression to mind - getting married for real true love despite the world collapsing around you, photographs taken on the front steps wearing your best suit, white gloves and a smart hat while air-raid sirens wail through the air. Minimum fuss, maximum love. As you can see I was raised on way too many Australian TV mini-dramas. Link


the day before yesterday


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