Swimming in a fish bowl
Monday 6 August 2001

Quite unsurprisingly, my street log has turned me into something of a peeping tom. Every single person who walks by my window gets a good ogling from me. Are they interesting enough to be the one drawing that I do for the day? Do they look too much like yesterday's person? Why don't more people smile? Why do so many people in Melbourne wear black?

Up until last week I used to keep my blind closed while I sat at my desk, only allowing a little peep of sunlight to come in from behind it to remind me that there was a day out there. Last Tuesday Anne came to visit and came into my study. "Do you always have your blinds closed?" she asked and only then did I realise what a waste of sunshine and street life this was. My excuse was that the glare was too much on my screen but the real reason (which was too lame to say at the time) was because someone might see in... heaven forbid!

So my blind is now open until it gets dark out and I watch all sorts of people walk by. Mostly grumpy, going somewhere in the cold kind of people, primary school kids skipping and chatting loudly and the occasional local identity like the grumpy old rocker, the beanie lady, the shouty man and the guy who sings loudly (complete with a kind of yodel in his voice) to his walkman with his baseball cap perched way on top of his head.

So all was going fine, and my log was growing slowly one day at a time when suddenly yesterday I realised an old guy had stopped outside my window and was having a good old look up at my window... He stood there for a while bobbing his head around as he looked back and forth and I didn't know whether to snap my blind closed or just keep on working like nothing was going on.

whatcha looking at?

He pretty soon got into his car with his wife and left and I realised I didn't care at all. Who cares? What's he going to see? A messy study and someone working on their computer. Woo! Big Deal! Really, my life is like that. I worry about something small for so long I don't even think about it rationally anymore, it just becomes a part of my routine. It ceases to be a worry, just a fact; "someone will see in and that's bad". And then it happens I surprise myself silly that I coped.

So the log continues and I love looking at the sky. link

last Friday


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