I hate my novel already
Friday 2 Nano-vember 2001

oh crappity crap crap

Yesterday I stormed out 2501 words. It really wasn't too hard and I didn't start until some time after lunch. But I am already wondering what exactly it is that is going on in my story. I have another 47499 words until it's finished and already my characters are really and truly astonishingly boring. I think the trouble is that I have started writing about a pack of teenagers and (and no offence to teenagers meant here at all, I was once one myself afterall) teenagers do a lot of moping about in bad moods and that's not too fun for anyone let alone me who has to live and breath these characters for the next 30 days. If I accidently write "she glowered at her mother/sister/television/chips/milkshake" one more time then I might possibly scream or thrust my fist through the monitor. They are all on summer holidays together in a beach shack. Two families and their dogs. So apart from a little bit of underlying sexual discovery/tension stuff it's really just girls acting snotty and boys burping and scratching their hairy bits. And this makes it sound far, far more entertaining than it really is.

I think there is about to be a dramatic leap forward in time to their mid 20s when suddenly they will all become incredibly interesting in a kind of Peter Carey-esque twisted magical realism kind of way (I know, I know, Magic realism is so 1990s, but I am dying here!).

But today I have some real work I have to do so the novel and all it's excitement will just have to wait. Link

Last time : Novel Idea day one


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