Entry thirtyseven - 21 February 2000

Moving into the warrior pose

I GOT THE JOB! Yippee yey yey. It’s with a start-up. Am I a sucker? Lots less money than I had hoped, but after six months I get share options so it’s a pretty sweet deal. And they are already kicking big butts – and after speaking to them over the last few days, I’m confident that they will go from strength to strength. I start on Monday, which means I can mooch around for the week saying “I got a new job, I got a new job” and the next time the Rastifarian Foxtel guy comes to our door to sell us cable I promise I won’t shout “no, sorry, we’re all unemployed in here” out the front door so that it echoes all around the apartment block.

Oooh – lots of new people to meet, I think there are around 50 full-time employees, and a new G4 to work on (hope I can remember how to bond with a Mac), and umm – a new train to catch (I’ll have to get my walkman back into action and I should make some travel tapes) – do I sound excited much?

Big-P and I went to yoga tonight, and although at the time it felt so good to be stretching out and touching my toes (and sometimes, accidentally, the toes of the woman in front of me) I’m aching badly now – which is not supposed to be the logical outcome of the gentle art of yoga. My running theory is that it’s all of the last two week’s stress coming out to get me.

We’ve just ordered a huge box of vegies online to celebrate our newly found employed status.

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